Fun 'N The Sun Houseboat
Boats located at Trempealeau (Wis) Marina
For Information:
1384 Terry Dr.
St. Charles, MN 55972
e-mail: funsunboat@aol.com

Creek Resort
Indian Creek Road
Fountain City, WI 54629

Bay Marina
PO Box 157
Trempealeau, Wi 54661

Huck's Houseboat Vacations
La Crosse Boat Harbor
3-4 day or more
Visit http://www.hucks.com
or Email huck@hucks.com
Houseboat Rental FAQ
For information about specific boats, please contact our sponsors!
Rental boats are handsomely furnished and fully carpeted inside and out. Virtually all
boats feature refrigerator, stove, microwave, TV, VCR, stereos, lavatory with full size
shower, closets, linens and a fully equipped kitchen area.
Most rental terms are either 3/4 days or 7 days. RENTAL FEES will vary from
to $3600 depending on the size of the boat, the season, and the term of the rental.
SAMPLE floor plan 15' x 52' Wide Body Lakeview Yachts
- Sleeping Accommodations For 6 to 8
- Ideal For Multi-Family Or Couples
- Deluxe Interior
- Deluxe Furnishings
- Two Full Baths
- Private Staterooms
- Queen Sleepers
- Full Head Room In Cuddys
- Plush Carpeting
- Microwave Oven
- Gas Barbecue Grill
- Air Conditioning
- Twin Cabin Heaters
- Eight Speaker Stereo Sound System
- Color TV And VCR
- Water Slide
- Tinted Windows
- 120 Volt Generator
- Full Hull Aluminum Construction
- Inboard/Outboard Merc-Cruiser Drive
Trains For Reliability And Economy
- Ship To Shore Radio
- Electronic Depth Finder
- Rudder Indicator
- Fully Equipped For River Touring
Frequently Asked Questions
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