American White Pelicans are again clustering on Pool 8. Interesting to note that in 2008, I noted that on March 23 the pelicans were back to Pool 8 en masse. Please comment for us on where else you are seeing them!
A long-time river rat living on Grey Cloud Island observes that the migrating pelicans cluster behind the melting river ice to feast on the winter kill of fish as they work their way into northwestern Minnesota. So they congegate in specific areas until the ice further north has melted.
While we have many American white pelicans who stay for the summer, now is a great time to watch them as many thousands slowly make their way up the river.
Spotted a large group of several hundred American white pelicans on 2/22/10 flying over Columbia, IL heading Northward. There are several large wetland conservation areas that are just North of St Louis that they rest at on their way up the river.
Haven’t seen any flocks since… this was a relatively early group and we should be seeing more in March.
Thank you Elizabeth! This is our first report of Pelicans moving north. March is our month for Pelicans, Canada Geese and Sandhill Cranes. Spring is on the way! Thank you!